Maranoia Checklist
In the week before a marathon, these are some of my usual (irrational) thoughts;
- Have I done enough mileage
- Have I done too much mileage
- Am I drinking enough water
- Am I drowning myself in water
- Why is my leg suddenly hurting
- The weather forecast is looking horrendously hot
- Why do I put myself through this
- Where did I put my passport
- What if my flight is cancelled/late
- Will I faceplant it after falling over tram tracks again
- Are all Europeans going to hate me after Brexit
- What if I expend too much energy walking before the race
- What if I feel bloated/heavy at the start
- When shall I time my constitutionals
- What if I get really hungry during the race
- Will I hallucinate and see images of David Bowie baking cakes again
- Should I have bought new trainers
- What if I go the wrong way on the course
- How do I purchase a banana in a Polish fruit shop
- Will I be sick like I was on the dual carriageway in Thessaloniki
- How the hell do I get to the Expo
- Am I going to be murdered by the hostel owner
- How many ibuprofens can I take without causing myself kidney damage
- Have I got enough vaseline (everywhere)
- Do I have enough Motorhead on my playlist
- Does my time really matter (have I collected enough excuses to cock it up)
- Will I get beaten to the finish by a Womble like in London
- Is the big hill as big as everyone says it is
- Will they be giving out paper cups or bottles of water
- Will I be able to get out of bed the next day
- Did I taper to soon/too late
- Can I get a steak dinner and keg of Peroni after the race at midnight in Luxembourg

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